CAP Month 2022
Here you'll find information and resources from the 2022 Child Abuse Prevention Month campaigns. For information about current/future campaigns, watch the News & Events page.
The theme of 2022's was "Resilience is what makes your family strong!”
Being a parent or caregiver is stressful, and it can be a struggle for anyone. There are seven simple stress busters that can help build resilience. We focused on a different one each week, with daily tips, interviews with community agencies, and more. Building resilience helps strengthen families, provide positive experiences for children, and reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect.
Our Facebook campaign was a standout. Throughout April and May 2022, we posted daily Stress Busters tips on our Facebook page, as well as links to much more (such as event with "What Happened to You?" author Bruce Perry, educational blog posts from PACEs Connection and others, training webinars, recognition events, and more).
We also provided articles on our Resilient Santa Barbara County blog (linked to the Facebook campaign) about local resources offering ACEs buffering services, such as the Wilderness Youth Project, Fighting Back Santa Maria Valley, and Kind Mind.
In 2022, we also shared:
This list of seven strategies to build resilience (English, Spanish).
This information about Resilient Santa Barbara County (RSBC), and an invitation to visit the RSBC community website and blog to learn how buffering services within the county offer opportunities for building resilience in children and families.
This handout packet for community members on ACEs, toxic stress, and the seven strategies (English, Spanish)
This information & resource presentation for community partners (English, Spanish).
Stories posted to the News page throughout the month.
We also promoted awareness activities and educational opportunities such as #WearBlue4Kids Friday selfie days, pinwheel plantings in two cities, a Santa Barbara County Board resolution, weekly webinars for practitioners, a kids art contest for youth, a Children's Memorial Flag Raising, and more.